

Welcome to The Villas​​

What's New...

The Villas at Rancho San Joaquin

 Traffic Rules

​All rules that apply out on the streets apply here on our community streets. Please observe them as you would as if an officer were right behind you.

  • Our speed limit is 20 mph. Slow down!
  • Please keep right at all of our traffic circles.
  • No parking or standing in RED zones.​


  • ​Park in your garage unless you have more than 2 vehicles.
  • When using street side parking, please park close to the curb.
  • When parking in designated off street spots, pull fully into the spot. Do not block sidewalks. No parking in alleyways, even in front of your garage door. These are Fire lanes!
  • No parking of trailers, oversized vehicles, commercial vehicles or RV’s. These are allowed loading and unloading access only.
  • As stated previously, non compliance with our parking regulations will result in the need for the BOD to secure a Patrol Service. This will increase dues and parking fines will be implemented. Please do your part by parking 2 cars in your garage!

  Improvements and Architectural application

​Before you make changes to your home, please make sure that you are in compliance with our architectural guidelines. A few items that need an approval. The below is not the full list, please refer to our governing documents.

  • Anything that will be attached to the exterior of the buildings. This includes the atrium and front courtyards. The exterior walls are common area and any changes to them without approval may make you liable for damages caused.
  • Front Doors, doorbells, door hardware, cameras, peepholes or painting of the door. Change or addition of a screen or security door.
  • Interior Improvements, moving walls, moving gas, water or sewage pipes. Moving electrical wiring or additions to the wiring. Window replacements, City Permits are required and a lack of a permit may be an impediment to the future sale of your home.
  • Atrium and front courtyard, addition or changing the flooring of the area. Irrigation and lighting. Addition of raised planter beds.
  • Partial applications are denied, please make sure to fill out in detail and provide all documentation.
  • Please save yourself time and frustration, when in doubt, send in the application. Turn around time is usually very quick.!


Board of Directors Meeting

​Thursday ,July 25 

, 2024

General Session & 

Annual Election 

 7:00 PM



General Special Session

Call In:

# 669-444-9171

General Meeting ID:

 #  890 5993 0937


# 317760

   Board of Directors meeting - July 2024


   Board of Directors meeting - June 2024


   Board of Directors meeting - May 2024


   Board of Directors meeting - April 2024


  •  **Villas - Board Meeting - TONIGHT 4/25/24 - CANCELLED*

   Board of Directors meeting - April 2024


   Board of Directors meeting - Feb 2024


   Cool Irvine - Jan 2024



   Irvine Police department, Strangers - Jan 2024


   Board of Directors meeting - Jan 2024


   Irvine Police Department Adding Layers - Dec 2023


  •  Please see the attached article “Adding Layers”  Read more​

   Christmas Caroling - Dec 2023


  •  Bring Joy! to your Villas Neighbors. Join us for Read more